feminine MATERNITY PHOTOS for the gentle souls, wild at heart

honest, feminine photos for the sun seekers and ocean lovers

celebrating the intimate, honest experience of motherhood, centered on connection, love amidst nature


  • You can show as much or as little skin as you like, we can discuss this on our call together

  • Maternity sessions can be captured anywhere from 30-34 weeks but we have gone as far as 38 weeks, it depends on you and how you are feeling

  • The shoot takes approximately 60, sometimes 90 minutes, depending on the environment and how much settling in time your little (or big one) may need.

  • If someone is unwell your session fee is transferable. Weather is always unpredictable, a little rain or cloud can create some pure magic in the sky but in the event of unsafe weather, we will reschedule for a new date.

  • I have a perfect What To Wear guide I will send you once booked, but first things first is be you! If denim shorts and a white t-shirt is your thing, wear that! But most importantly be comfortable. Don’t feel you have to go buy something new! You can, but it’s often best wearing something that is tried and tested and you love! Also a tip is start with you mumma, and match your family to you - i will walk you through this plus there are so many tips in my guide.