Hello! I am Fiona

I am quiet by nature but wild at heart and don’t get me wrong, once i meet you I want to be friends with you forever in a non creepy way.  I am from Melbourne originally, trekked my way up to North Queensland where I met my husband, we then jetted across to New York for a few years and then to Adelaide where we had our babies and still planning where we can go next 😂.

I am continually inspired by the natural beauty of South Australia and love connecting this with your family’s story and adventurous spirit.

I wholeheartedly love what I do, I am so grateful that I get to call this my job. I value the connections and friendships that are made along the way and I truly love creating natural, beautiful family photographs for you.

my daughter Holly

Most of us, as mothers, dream of having ‘nice’ pictures of our family, whether that be those in between beautiful moments laughing or walking, holding hands or just being together.   I know that this was me, whilst at the time, i did not really want to be on the other side of the lens, I desperately wanted my own family photos frolicking in the sun - was this even achievable I had no idea! 

I have a special needs daughter, Holly who at the time of writing this is 5 (and in the photo she is 2!), so for years i just thought, well we just can’t have that - too hard basket.   For years I made excuses, I thought “we don’t need them”, “i can take them!” or “I don’t have to be in it!” but the envy of other families and the feeling never really left me. Deep down I knew I wanted those special family photographs.   I longed for it, how it would be a legacy for my children and how I knew it was important for me to also be in them, for them and in the end for me. 

So i did it! and they were beautiful, yes it was weird being on the other side of the camera but it was a wonderful experience, I only wished I did it sooner.  

For me especially, it’s about the moments that we may not always get - when they may take your hand (because maybe they don’t like the feeling of their hands being touched) or if they come up to kiss you every now and then or just seeing a beaming smile across their face… If I just see or experience this my heart explodes but to be able to freeze these moments to look back on and to show her and my son, is even more special to me.

So for my additional needs mumma’s who think they can’t possibly pull it off - you can, and i will be here to help you from the very start of the process, to give you the most beautiful pics of your family. x